Five years ago, Robin (Dick) and the original Teen Titans (Kid Flash, Speedy, Bumblebee, and Beast Boy) find Starfire being pursuit by aliens. Robin and his gang save Starfire. Starfire kisses Robin in order to learn and speak his language.
Elsewhere, Nightwing with the new Teen Titans under Starfire's command infiltrate one of Brother Blood's bases. Terra has her group bury into the earth and ascend vertically until they are underneath the base. Their infiltration is successful as Nightwing obtains intel. While Nightwing works on cracking the intel, Damian and Starfire are concerned about Jaime who is having a hard time getting through to his family due the alien tech on his back and his commitment to the Teen Titans. Later, Jaime wants to volunteer for a soup kitchen as well as get closer to Traci. At the HIVE base, Brother Blood finishes bathing in the blood of a reporter he killed. Mother Mayhem leads him to their experiment which is successful in transferring the energy from other lab subjects to Jericho. At night, Brother Blood awaits Deathstroke to request him to kidnap the Titans ahead of schedule.
The next day, the Teen Titans are out doing combat practice. First, Jaime loses control of his powers and then in a match between Beast Boy and Terra, Terra starts to lose control of her as well when glimpses of her past and abuse by her captives popped in her mind. That night, Terra sneaks out but she's not alone. Damian is tracking her down, so he can help her control her powers. However, Deathstroke arrives and subdues Damian with Terra's help. Damian is shocked at Terra betraying him.