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Personal Life[]



  • Is the only actor who has received an Emmy nomination for the same character (Frasier Crane) in three separate series; in Cheers, Wings, and Frasier. As Frasier Crane, he also holds the current record for consecutively portraying the same character for over 20 years, the longest period of time of any other role in TV history.


  • "The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge."
  • "I want to speak seventeen languages. When you think like that, you'll be consumed by failure. I'm haunted daily by what I don't know."
  • "It takes a very strange person to enjoy fame, with all the by-products that come with it. It's not necessarily a thrill."
  • "Apologizes are pointless, regrets come too late. What matters is you can move, on you can grow."
  • "Actors are observers of human life, of human behavior."

External Links[]

IMDb Profile
