Movie and TV Wiki
Movie and TV Wiki

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  • Suffers from acute nearsightedness since birth and is nearly blind in his left eye.
  • Was once caught by a security guard vandalizing an advertising billboard. The guard let him continue after he realized that Depp was vandalizing his own face on a 21 Jump Street ad. Depp later explained that he did not like the message that the billboard was promoting ... as well as the photograph that they used of him.


  • "The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants."
  • "If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it's OK to be different, that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color."
  • "I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it."

External Links[]

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