Movie and TV Wiki
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Famke Janssen ( b. 5 November 1964 ) is a Dutch model and actress. She has appeared in live action television and cinematic roles; and voice acting performances.

Janssen is best known for her role in the 1995 GoldenEye film in which she portrayed the deranged Xenia Onatopp, the sexually sadistic henchwoman who had several encounters against Agent 007 James Bond of the British Secret Service. She also appeared as the powerful psychic Dr. Jean Grey in the 2000 X-Men film and would reprise her role for a number of sequels in the X-Men Franchise.


Personal Life[]



  • Her name 'Famke' means 'little girl' in Frisian, a dialect of Dutch language.


  • "The only way to do is just to go for it, otherwise it ends up looking phony."
  • "We've always been ready for female superheroes. Because women want to be them and men want to do them."

External Links[]

IMDb Profile
