Movie and TV Wiki
Movie and TV Wiki

Main Article


Emma Watson ( b. 15 April 1990 ) is an English actress, activist, model, and philanthropist. She has appeared in live action television and cinematic roles; and voice acting performances.

She is regarded as one of the most influential actresses of her generation and is well known for her outspoken support and continued championing for gender equality and women's education.

Watson has won numerous awards for her performances in several films and is most well known for the extended role that propelled her to stardom; as the Muggle-born Witch Hermione Granger of the Harry Potter Franchise Series. She exclusively guest starred as the character for all eight films lasting from 2001 to 2011.


Personal Life[]



  • Is a certified yoga and meditation instructor.
  • Diagnosed with ADHA (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which she has received medication since she was 5 years old.


  • "I don't want other people to decide who I am. I want to decide that for myself."

External Links[]

IMDb Profile
