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Jakku is a desert world in the Star Wars Universe and a massive graveyard of Imperial and Rebellion ships.


A relatively minor and unimportant arid planet in the Western Reaches of the Known Galaxy. It is a jumping off point to the Outer Rim and has some marginal mining operations for kesium gas as well as magnite and bezorite ores. The primary occupation is scavenging from the Starship Graveyard and is a relatively lawless world run by Niima the Hutt. 

Planetary Data[]

  • SECTOR: Western Reaches
  • STAR: 1
  • ATMOSPHERE: Breathable Oxygen for Humanoids
  • OVERALL CLIMATE: Extremely Hot and Arid
  • PRIMARY TERRAIN: Desert, Buttes
  • NATIVE SPECIES: Uthuthma
  • NATIVE FLORA: Lichens
  • NATIVE FAUNA: Luggabeasts
  • AFFILIATIONS: Galactic Empire


Jakku is an isolated desert world in the Western Reaches of the Known Galaxy, a region renowned for its remoteness and isolation from the rest of civilized space.  The Western Reaches was overseen by Grand Moff Tarkin during the reign of the Galactic Empire and the first Death Star was constructed under heavy security and secrecy in this region of space.

The Empire established a secret military base on Jakku, owing to it's desolation and relative worthlessness.  It was also the site of the last major confrontation between the Rebel Alliance and the remnants of the Galactic Empire one year after the Battle of Endor. 


The last Super Star Destroyer Ravager was destroyed and the Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Inflictor was scuttled on the planet to prevent it from falling in the Rebellion's hands.  The massive losses prompted the Empire to agree to a surrender and disarmament program known as the Galactic Concordance. Jakku has remains officially a part of the Galactic Empire but has little interest in the place and essentially abandoned the planet and its society to itself and has failed to attract the attention of the New Republic which is concentrated in the Core.

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