The Boys is set in a universe where superpowered individuals (colloquially known as "Supes") are recognized as heroes by the general public and work for a powerful corporation known as Vought International that markets and monetizes them. Outside their heroic personas, most Supes are corrupt and self-serving. The series primarily focuses on two groups: the Boys, a team of vigilantes looking to bring down Vought and its corrupt superheroes, and the Seven, Vought's premier superhero team overseen by executive Madelyn Stillwell.
The Boys are led by the charismatic but violent Billy Butcher, who despises all supes, and the Seven are led by the egotistical and unstable Homelander. At the start of the series, the Boys are joined by Hughie Campbell, whose girlfriend is killed in a freak accident involving a member of the Seven, while the Seven are joined by Annie "Starlight" January, a young and hopeful heroine forced to face the truth about those she admires. Other members of the Seven include the disillusioned Queen Maeve, drug-addicted A-Train, insecure Deep, mysterious Black Noir, and white supremacist Stormfront. The Boys are rounded out by tactical planner Mother's Milk (M.M.), mute animalistic supe Kimiko, and weapons specialist Frenchie.
The Boys is set in a universe where superpowered individuals are recognized as heroes by the general public and owned by powerful corporation Vought International, which markets and monetizes them. Outside of their heroic personas, most are arrogant and corrupt. The series primarily focuses on two groups: the Seven, Vought International's premier superhero team, and the titular Boys, vigilantes looking to keep the corrupted heroes under control.
The Boys are led by Billy Butcher, who despises all superpowered people, and the Seven are led by the egotistical and unstable Homelander. As a conflict ensues between the two groups, the series also follows the new members of each team: Hughie Campbell of the Boys, who joins the vigilantes after his girlfriend is killed by one of the Seven; and Annie January / Starlight of the Seven, a young and hopeful heroine forced to face the truth about the heroes she admires.
Season 2[]
In hiding, Hughie, Mother’s Milk, Frenchie, and Kimiko try to adjust to a new normal, with Butcher nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Starlight must navigate her place in The Seven as Homelander sets his sights on taking complete control. His power is threatened with the addition of Stormfront, a social media-savvy new Supe, who has an agenda of her own. On top of that, the Supervillain threat takes center stage and makes waves as Vought seeks to capitalize on the nation’s paranoia.
Season 3[]
It’s been a year of calm. Homelander's subdued. Butcher works for the government, supervised by Hughie of all people. But both men itch to turn this peace and quiet into blood and bone. So when The Boys learn of a mysterious Anti-Supe weapon, it sends them crashing into the Seven, starting a war, and chasing the legend of the first Superhero: Soldier Boy.
Season 4[]
The world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscly thumb of Homelander, who is consolidating his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca's son and the rest of The Boys are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late.