Movie and TV Wiki
Movie and TV Wiki

Main Article



Personal Life[]



  • Is known to be a huge baseball fan, particularly of the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Clippers. He collects autographed baseballs and baseball player cards and is a partial owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks. As 60th birthday gift, the NY Yankees signed him on as a player for a single game and was struck out during his only time at bat.


  • "To be good, you need to believe in what you're doing."
  • "Humans love sex, we need sex, it's how we connect, it reminds us we're alive, it's the third most basic human need, after food and good movie popcorn."
  • "I'd like to think there is a Heaven, and it starts from the happiest day in your life."
  • "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
  • "A laugh is a weird sound, and when you get a couple thousand people making it at once, it's really strange. But when I can feel proud of myself for causing it, it's great."

External Links[]

IMDb Profile
