Movie and TV Wiki
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Main Article


Alan Tudyk ( b. 16 March 1971 ) is an American actor, writer, and producer. He has appeared in classic stage theater, live action television and cinematic roles; and voice acting performances.

Tudyk is best known for his performance as the laid back pilot Wash of the independent space freighter Serenity in the short-lived cult sci-fi TV series Firefly and as the snarky security droid K-2SO in the Star Wars prequel film Rogue One.


Personal Life[]



  • Is considered a lucky mascot for Disney. He has either appeared or lent his voice acting talents in every single picture produced by the company since 2012.


  • "I'm not so certain in life."
  • "I'm a geeky actor, in the way that I like the craft of acting."
  • "If something makes me laugh really hard, it sticks in my head or my heart or somewhere inside me."
  • "I really like stuff that makes people laugh."

External Links[]

IMDb Profile
