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Josh Lyman reminisces about an "average" day at the West Wing to an audience of political science students with all of the political pitfalls and pratfalls that he, the West Wing staff, and President endures on a daily basis.

Plot Summary[]

Sam Seaborn phones Josh Lyman with urgent news. It's not good―the President's nominee for the Supreme Court, Roberto Mendoza has just been arrested for drunk driving and resisting arrest in a small town of Wesley, Connecticut. Sam is being immediately dispatched to find out just what happened and hopefully stave off a public relations nightmare that will derail Mendoza's nomination process ... while Toby Ziegler is accompanying him probably to strangle Mendoza for his latest screw-up to complicate Ziegler's life.

Josh barely manages to finish the conversation when he is being brought on stage to be interviewed on his duties at the White House to an audience of collegiate political science majors. When asked about his "typical day", Josh laughs at the thought and replies that there is no such thing at the West Wing. There is a planned schedule―but it never lasts as the staff is constantly juggling crises. He bemusedly reflects on the events of just yesterday...

Sam Seaborn and Toby Ziegler are prepping Press Secretary C.J. Cregg for the upcoming news conference to triumphantly herald President Bartlet's signing a $700 million dollar initiative to improve education and fund new teachers. However Sam Seaborn has an idea to control the news cycle―he wants to push the briefing after the President signs the bill at noon. C.J. endorses the idea but she has dentist appointment at that time thus it'll have to be after she gets back at 2 pm.

Meanwhile Toby Ziegler is alerted to a PR disaster unfolding at this very moment regarding Secretary Deborah O'Leary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

O'Leary, an African-American has been testifying before Congress on C-SPAN regarding HUD for several months and sparring with Congressman Wooden in the process. During a heated exchange with the politician, she fired back that Wooden and his Republican colleagues holding this committee were more interested in scoring political points off minorities than they were in actually trying to solve HUD's problems. When Wooden angrily accuses her of calling him a racist; the entire nation watching the testimonials see her promptly agree to the accusation.

As a result, when President Jed Bartlet did his bill signing at noon; the press immediately jumped on the O'Leary-Wooden incident instead. Although the President tried to sidestep the question, he admitted that O'Leary needed to apologize for her thoughtless comment forcing Leo McGarry to run damage control even as the President is scheduled to fly down to New Orleans to attend an important conference.

West-Wing 1-15-mcgarry-vs-oleary

McGarry orders an apology from Secretary O'Leary

O'Leary is furious at having to publicly apologize to Congressman Wooden; particularly since he is a racist and everyone knows it. McGarry retorts that Wooden has been trying to bait her for months during these hearings and O'Leary screwed up by falling for it. And like it or not, the President also NEEDS the Republicans for their votes on the budget for HUD itself. O'Leary reluctantly backs down and agrees to issue an apology, McGarry decides to handle the matter as delicately and quietly as possible; a quick announcement about O'Leary's apology at the 2 pm press briefing before refocusing/distracting the public's attention on the President's $700 million educational package.

Meanwhile back in the present; Sam Seaborn and Toby Ziegler are lost trying to navigate the roads of Connecticut to find the police station where Mendoza is being held. Toby is convinced that they're going to the wrong way but Sam assures him that he is navigating through celestial mechanics like the ancient mariners and they are definitely on the right path...

West-Wing 1-15-woot-canal

Emergency Woot Canal...

Flashing back to yesterday; Josh is stunned when C.J. Cregg returns shortly before the press briefing and is completely incoherent thanks to an emergency root canal surgery. C.J. tells him that they have to cancel the briefing but Josh argues that they need to handle the O'Leary apology and the education package. C.J. is horrified when Josh smugly proclaims he can handle the press with no problem and tries to stop him but he dismisses her concerns.

An overconfident Josh, believing that the White House Press Corps is overly coddled by Cregg; decides to impose some discipline during the press briefing and manages to simultaneously insult and belittle a number of the reporters even as he struggles to answer their increasingly difficult questions with vague and hostile answers. As a result, Danny Concannon presses him on the potential problem of rising inflation which Josh smugly assures the journalists that they have an entire Economic Council loaded with PhD's who are more than capable of handling these matters and is confident that they would have a plan to handle this minor little problem.

Concannon mischievously asks if the real reason why he won't share this economic plan is if it's a secret; causing Lyman to sarcastically retort that yes, the President indeed has a secret plan to fight inflation sparking to entire press corps to rabidly descend on Lyman, demanding to know about this plan or at least when the President plans to unveil it to Lyman's growing shock and befuddlement.

Meanwhile back in the present; the intrepid Seaborn and Ziegler have determined that the North Star that Sam was intently navigating by was a cargo plane from LaGuardia and has finally managed to find the Wesley Police Station and begin to laboriously try to convince a pair of disbelieving local cops that they really work for the President of the United States and that they need to release Mendoza from jail...

In the not so recent past, Josh Lyman has managed to escape the press briefing. Having completely failed to convince the press corps that he was joking and that there is no secret plan to fight inflation. He swiftly finds himself confronted by both C.J. and Toby who are disgusted at his PR foul up but finds themselves distracted when Sam jumps in with news of an impending flare-up of the O'Leary-Wooden Incident. Instead of being allowed to die a natural death; a whole new gallon of gasoline has been dumped over it to re-ignite the whole ugly bonfire.

Judge Roberto Mendoza, the President's nominee for the vacant Supreme Court Justice slot has publicly weighed in on the whole matter. The overly opinionated judge has portentously proclaimed that the President was wrong to make O'Leary to apologize. Toby is incensed that Mendoza still refuses to grasp that he is not supposed to be issuing statements without clearing them through Toby first. In the past few weeks, Mendoza has managed to criticize the American Bar Association, the AFL-CIO, and the New York State Legislature―all of whom have been strong supporters of Bartlet's Presidency and without whom, he never would have managed to get elected in the first place.

McGarry demands that they need to discuss things with Mendoza right away and that he needs to present himself to the White House and the President as soon as possible―in not sooner! The President is already flying back from New Orleans and should be landing in the middle of the night so McGarry decides that they should wait to dump this newest round of public relations catastrophes on Bartlet when he's awake and fresh in the morning―or as much as he can be after a mere three hours of sleep or so.

At the Wesley Police Station in the present day; the police officer proclaims that he arrested Mendoza because he was operating his vehicle in an erratic manner leading the officer to believe that he was intoxicated. The officer immediately stopped to question him. Mendoza was belligerent during the confrontation and was arrested afterwards. Seaborn bluntly informs the officer that JUDGE Roberto Mendoza has a mild chronic medical condition―an inflammation of the liver. If he had been drinking―he'd be dead.

Toby goes to confront the Judge in his cell and demands to know why Mendoza didn't contact the White House immediately when he was arrested or even refused the Wesley Police's Breathalyzer Test which would have proved that he was not drunk at all. Mendoza is unrepentant. The cops didn't pull him over because he wasn't speeding or driving erratically; they didn't pull him over because his tags or registration was invalid; they didn't have any warrants for his arrest―and the Breathalyzer is an illegal search and civil rights violation in his opinion anyways. No, they pulled him over for one simple reason.

He's Hispanic driving a nice car in Connecticut. More importantly, he's a father whose 9-year old son watched him get pulled out his car, patted down by a pair of cops, and get handcuffed before being driven away in a squad car. And his son is going to have to remember that forever. Mendoza announces that he fully intends to sit in this cell and in the morning, he going to see justice be done.

Drained of his anger, Toby admits that it is unfair and isn't right but this isn't the way to fight this. The best way would be if Mendoza was a Supreme Court Justice ... and a public arrest and trial? Would definitely derail that nomination process.

Toby goes and confronts the officers; proclaiming that lucky for them, there will not be a trial which would almost certainly led to a public investigation, suspension, and multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Wesley Police Department which Mendoza would surely win. They will be unlocking the cell and sincerely apologize to Judge Mendoza and then get in their car and come with them so that they can apologize to his son.


  • Rob Lowe as Sam Seaborn
  • Allison Janney as C.J. Cregg
  • Dulé Hill as Charlie Young
  • Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler
  • Bradley Whitford as Josh Lyman
  • Moira Kelly as Mandy Hampton
  • John Spencer as Leo McGarry
  • Martin Sheen as President Jed Bartlet

Guest Starring[]

  • Timothy Busfield as Danny Concannon
  • Janel Moloney as Donna Moss
  • NiCole Robinson as Margaret Hooper
  • Kim Webster as Ginger
  • Melissa Fitzgerald as Carol Fitzpatrick
  • Devika Parikh as Bonnie
  • Jacqueline Torres as Sondra
  • Charles Noland as Steve
  • Diana Morgan as Jesse
  • Kris Morgan as Katie Witt
  • Victor Love as Mike
  • Jason C. Morgan as Peter
  • Bob Thompson as Billy
  • J.P. Stevenson as Jonathan
  • Kelly Fialing as Pretty College Student
  • Robert David Hall as David Nessler
  • Vaughn Armstrong as Sgt. MacNamara

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Edward James Olmos as Judge Roberto Mendoza
  • CCH Pounder as Deborah O'Leary




Danny Concannon: Mister President, do you agree with Secretary O'Leary that Congressman Wooden is a racist, and if not, do you plan on asking for her resignation?

President Jed Bartlet: Let me say that I have great confidence in Deborah O'Leary. She's done a terrific job at HUD, helping thousands of people make the very difficult transition from joblessness and homelessness to more fulfilling and productive lives.

Danny Concannon: ...I'm sorry Mister President. You didn't answer the question.

President Jed Bartlet: I was hoping you weren't going to notice that, Danny.

Danny Concannon: I did, sir.

President Jed Bartlet: Then I will tell you that I agree the Republican Party does not have a comprehensive program for combating poverty in this country. That being said, there are countless Republicans who are working very hard to change their party's legacy on some of these issues. And I hope to be working with them to do just that.

Danny Concannon: I'm sure that was an answer to some question, Mister President. It just wasn't the answer to mine.


Danny Concannon: [looks up, surprised at seeing Josh Lyman] Josh.

Josh Lyman: Hey, Danny.

Danny Concannon: [hastily stands up and follows him] You're not gonna do this.

Josh Lyman: Do the briefing?

Danny Concannon: You're not gonna do this.

Josh Lyman: I talk to reporters all the time.

Danny Concannon: You really don't want to do this.

Josh Lyman: Let me tell you something, mi compadre. You guys have been coddled. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not your camp counselor, and I'm not your sixth grade teacher you had a crush on. I'm a graduate of Harvard and Yale and I believe that my powers of debate can rise to meet the Socratic wonder that is the White House Press Corps. [strolls off smugly to the podium]

Danny Concannon: Okey-dokey.


Danny Concannon: Josh; economists agree that the continuing drop in unemployment will create increased pressure on wages. In effect, driving them up. Is the President worried that this could lead to a resurgence of inflation?

Josh Lyman: Let me emphasize the President is pleased that unemployment has dropped another point five percent as a result...

Danny Concannon: I'm sure we all join the President in his joy, but I'm wondering if the President has a plan to fight the resulting inflation.

Josh Lyman: The President will do everything in his power to maintain the robust economy that has created millions of new jobs, improved productivity and kept a lid on inflation.

Katie Witt: But he has no plan to address inflation specifically?

Josh Lyman: Twenty-four PhD's on the Council of Economy Advisors, Katie? They have a plan to fight inflation.

Danny Concannon: Is the reason you won't tell us about it is that it's a ... secret?

Josh Lyman: [snorts] Yeah, Danny. We have a secret plan to fight inflation.

[The entire room of reporters explode with questions]


Donna Moss: [runs up to a dazed Josh exiting the Briefing Room] Oh my God, Josh! I mean, oh my God!

Josh Lyman: I can fix this.

Donna Moss: How?

Josh Lyman: I can fix this.

Donna Moss: I don't think you can...

Josh Lyman: This'd be a great time to feel a little support for me Donna!

Donna Moss: You have my support, Josh.

Josh Lyman: Do I?

Donna Moss: Yes.

Josh Lyman: Okay, good. That's a start. Tell me what you think I should do right now.

Donna Moss: Go into your office and come up with a secret plan to fight inflation.

Josh Lyman: THAT'S SUPPORT?!


President Jed Bartlet: [asleep in bed for barely three hours, grabs ringing phone] What.

Charlie Young: [over the phone] Good morning, Mister President. It's Charlie. I'm hoping...

President Jed Bartlet: I mean what could you possibly want right now?

Charlie Young: Sir, it's 6:30 AM...

President Jed Bartlet: the morning?

Charlie Young: Yes, sir. And I wanted to remind you...

President Jed Bartlet: I mean what ... in the name everything holy could you want right now?

Charlie Young: I wanted to remind you that you have a 7 AM meeting at the Oval Office with the Senior Staff, followed by your security and intelligence briefings and a meeting with the Chairman of the Fed. Would you like me to have the stewards bring you some coffee and the Washington Post?

President Jed Bartlet: ... who the Hell is this?

Charlie Young: Sir...

President Jed Bartlet: And what could you possibly want?

Charlie Young: Sir ... I need you to dig in now. It wasn't a nightmare, you really are the President.


Josh Lyman: Uh, long story short ... you're going to be reading a bit today about your secret plan to fight inflation.

President Jed Bartlet: I have a secret plan to fight inflation?

Josh Lyman: No.

President Jed Bartlet: Why am I going to be reading that I do?

Josh Lyman: It was suggested in the press room that you did.

President Jed Bartlet: By who?

Josh Lyman: By me.

President Jed Bartlet: You told the press that I have a secret plan to fight inflation?

Josh Lyman: No, I did not! Let me be absolutely clear, I did not do that! Except, yes, I did do that.

President Jed Bartlet: ...Josh, I'm a little confused.

Josh Lyman: Sir, there was this idiotic round robin. It was sarcastic. There's no way they didn't know that! They were just mad at me for imposing discipline and calling them stupid!

President Jed Bartlet: Okay, before we go on. C.J., if blood is gushing from the head wound you just received from a stampeding herd of bison, you'll do the press briefing.

C.J. Cregg: Yes, sir.

Josh Lyman: Mister President...

President Jed Bartlet: A secret plan to fight inflation?

Josh Lyman: There was no turning them back. I denied it for half an hour. They wouldn't take no for an answer.

President Jed Bartlet: Were you clear?

Josh Lyman: I was crystal clear! They said, "Do you think if the President has a plan to fight inflation, it's right that he keep it a secret?" I said, "Of course not!"

President Jed Bartlet: Are you telling me that not only did you invent a secret plan to fight inflation, but now you don't support it?

Josh Lyman: ...when you put it like that...

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